During the week, I had the privilege of eavesdropping on author Christina Channelle interviewing one of her book characters, Jade, from Christina's contemporary new adult release, Those Four Letter Words. Be warned, she doesn't hold back and can swear like a sailor.
You can find Christina via her Blog Facebook Twitter and Goodreads
Those Four Letter Words is available now on Smashwords and Amazon
You can find Christina via her Blog Facebook Twitter and Goodreads
Those Four Letter Words is available now on Smashwords and Amazon
Christina smiles widely. 'Hi, Jade. It's nice to have you here.'
Jade fidgets in her seat across from Christina and makes a face. 'Well, you kind of forced me here. It’s not like I had any choice in the matter,' she mutters.
Christina pauses, making a face back at her which thankfully, she doesn’t see. She clears her throat. 'Well, then. Let’s move on to the interview, shall we?'
'Whatever floats your boat.'
'What’s your favourite colour to wear?'
Jade looks down at herself wearing her dark jeans and t-shirt, then smirks back at Christina. 'What do you think? Black’s obviously the way to go.'
'Noted. How about your favourite colour?'
She smiles at that. 'Green, of course. It sure as hell isn’t pink.'
'Is there a particular catch phrase you enjoy?'
'Fuck off,' she states.
Christina jumps. 'Excuse me?'
Jade notices her reaction but doesn’t comment. 'Fuck off… My catch phrase. I’ve been newly introduced to fuckery. Like, ‘That’s utter fuckery.’ Yeah… I kind of like that too. Has a nice ring to it.'
Christina look over at her skeptically. 'Okay then. When's your birthday?'
'January 3rd.'
'And how old are you?'
'What would be your motto to live by?'
She pauses, contemplating, then scratches the side of her neck and shrugs. 'I guess to just be. Who gives a shit what other people think. We need to stop stressing about it.'
'That’s awesome,' Christina says, nodding. 'What’s your favourite class?'
'That’s easy. English. I haven’t told anybody except B but I like to write lyrics. He used to help me out a long time ago before… Everything.'
You can see that she's closing up and Christina decides not to delve further, instead asking another light question. 'Favourite band?'
'No Doubt, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters, Rise Against… They’re all pretty sick.'
She didn’t hesitate. 'Drinking. Know it all girls. Country songs.'
'Country songs?'
'I hate country music,' she says deadpanned.
'Right. What about your likes?'
'Coffee flavoured ice cream. It’s the shit.' One side of her mouth curls upward as she murmurs. 'Tattoos… Especially on a certain set of forearms…' she trails off.
She’s obviously daydreaming about someone.
'How about your celebrity crush?' Christina asks loudly.
She winces at the sound of her voice but she clearly has her attention again. 'Adam Levine. He’s my skinny boy crush. Super hot.'
'Vampires or zombies?'
She glances at me like I just called her a slut. 'Zombies, hello? Vampires nowadays have grown quite soft. What happened to all the badasses? Zombies are badass. I like badass.'
You can see it ticking over in Christina's mind that vampires can be badass too. I totally get where Christina's coming from. I can name a few badass vamps. Kaji, Rowan, Adam.
'Love or hate?'
'Both. Can’t have one without the other. It’s what makes the world go round. Am I right or am I right?'
'Right … hobbies?'
'I love to run. And music. They both provide fuel for me. Sometimes I need one more than the other depending on the situation but they’re both equally important.'
'Any quirks?'
'I tend to yank my hair when pissed. As you can tell, I like to swear. Sorry if that offends you.' She actually doesn’t look sorry at all but Christina continues.
'Who do you respect the most?'
'That’s easy. B, my brother. He’s gone through a lot. Likes to hide with that stupid smile of his but I know he still hurts. He’s given up a lot over the years. He’s a recovering alcoholic, you know. But before that he was… Legendary.' You can her eyes becoming glossy, like she’s remembering something from long ago.
I bet Christina can’t wait to interview Bryn.
'Final question of the day...'
I'm surprised Christina isn't shaking her head at Jade. Typical teenager. 'What’s your ideal date?'
She raises a brow. 'Aren’t you sappy? Ideal date, hmm? I’d like to sit outside in the dark and stare up at the sky; look at all the stars. Just talk. My date would have brought me a tub of ice cream. We’d share, of course, one spoon between the two of us. Simple. That’d be the best kind of date. It’s not necessarily what you do, but who you spend your time with. That’s what makes a date.'
'So true,' Christina says, smiling at her. She's not the only sappy one. 'I’m so happy to have had you here today. Glad that we got to know you a bit more.'
'My pleasure.'
'I’m sure we’ll be hearing more from you.'
'Abso-fucking-lutely,' she states with a wink, then gets up and exits the interview room.
Christina sits back in her chair and breathes a sigh of relief.
I bet she's thinking next week’s interview will be so much easier.
Thank you for the great chance :)
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