

Alexander Altmann A10567 by Suzy Zail ★★★★
Anyone But Ivy Pocket by Caleb Krisp ★★★★★
A Toaster on Mars by Darrell Pitt ★★★
Blueback by Tim Winton ★★★★★
Catch A Falling Star by Meg McKinlay ★★★★☆



Girlish by Alana Wulff ★★★★
How To Bee by Bren MacDibble ★★★★★


Jane Doe and the Cradle of All Worlds by Jeremy Lachlan ★★★★★
Lizard's Tale by Went Wai Chan ★★★★


Molly and Pim and the Millions of Stars by Martine Murray ★★★☆


Roses are Blue by Sally Murphy ★★★★★
Songbird by Ingrid Laguna ★★★★★
Swallow's Dance by Wendy Orr ★★★★★


The Blue Cat by Ursula Dubosarsky ★★★☆
The Broken Sun (A Jack Mason Adventure Book Three) by Darrell Pitt ★★★★
The Bone Sparrow by Zana Fraillon ★★★★★
The Dog Runner by Bren Macdibble ★★★★★
The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone by Jaclyn Moriarty ★★★★★
The Firebird Mystery (A Jack Mason Adventure Book One) by Darrell Pitt ★★★☆
The Little Wave by Pip Harry ★★★★★
The Lost Sword (A Jack Mason Adventure Book Five) by Darrell Pitt ★★★☆
The Monster Within (A Jack Mason Adventure Book Four) by Darrell Pitt ★★★★
The Other Side of Summer by Emily Gale ★★★★★
The Secret Abyss (A Jack Mason Adventure Book Two) by Darrell Pitt ★★★☆
The Secrets We Share (The Secrets We Keep Book Two) by Nova Weetman ★★★★☆
The Secrets We Keep (The Secrets We Keep Book One) by Nova Weetman ★★★★★
The Slightly Alarming Tale of the Whispering Wars by Jaclyn Moriarty ★★★★★
The Year the Maps Changed by Danielle Binks ★★★★★
Nevermoor by Jessica Townsend (Nevermoor Book One) ★★★★★


Wundersmith (Nevermoor Book Two) by Jessica Townsend ★★★★★
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