Reviews are strictly for entertainment purposes only and to invite further discussions on the reviewed novels and subject matters. On Diva Booknerd, you will only find young adult, middle grade and select new adult title reviews.
In no circumstances should my review opinions be seen as those of the publisher or author. All reviews, including those less favorable are posted without malice or negative intent. If you read any opinion material on this site that you consider offensive, please contact me for clarification or where applicable, removal.
All reviews are given freely without interference or coercion from any parties involved. Publisher or author provided review copies are stated in each review post but does not influence my opinion. I do not accept compensation for book reviews and do not use affiliate links. This blog is for entertainment purposes only, not monetary value.
In the case of advanced reading copy reviews, the draft copy of the novel will be noted and only the story content, characters and writing style will be taken into account. All advanced reading copy novels are accepted in good faith for an honest review only.
I am currently not accepting any eBook copies for review.