Welcome to the first edition of Dear Diva. Thanks to everyone who has submitted your questions, the response was quite surprising. I'm assuming that you're all incredibly impressed by my need to stick my nose in other peoples business. Remember, all submissions are anonymous. You can only be identified if you choose to leave your name, alias or email address on the submission form. Your questions don't need to be book or blog related. You may be having an issue with your mother shaving her legs at the kitchen table. Your boyfriend is a One Direction fanboy or the elderly lady next door enjoys nude gardening. You can submit your questions here.
I've had quite a few blogging related questions this week, so today's theme is Blogging.
Blogging: A How To Guide
What advice would you give to newer bloggers? In terms of getting more readers, making blogger friends, getting involved in tags or memes and just general blogging advice.Becky at Becky's Babble
That's an awesome question Becks and one I was asking too when I first begun blogging. I found the most effective and also rewarding way to gain an audience is to immerse yourself within the book blogging community. It doesn't need to be hours spent commenting on other blogs, Twitter is a great source for meeting like minded bloggers and readers as well. If you do want to comment on other blogs and establish a dialogue between you, a great list to add your name to is Bloggers Commenting Back. To quote the girls at Readers in Wonderland... Basically, this is a group of people who make it a common routine to reply to comments on their own blog and go the extra mile to visit that commenters blog and comment on one of their posts in return. One blog who really sets the tone for leaving comments are The Notebook Sisters. Fabulous and friendly comments all over the blogging world, and their posts receive the same in return, tenfold.
Weekly features such as Top Ten Tuesday or Stacking The Shelves for example are a great way to bring traffic to your blog. But in my experience, far too many comments are random, with some simply dropping a hit and run link in order to receive traffic to their blog. They're content fillers, but handy when you're busy reading or don't have any reviews to post that week. But you need other content besides weekly features, why not try an opinion piece? A post of recommendations or even create your own feature. The list is endless. The trick is to keep your content fresh and relevant. If it's something you're interested in reading, chances are your readership will enjoy it too.
Ever since I've started blogging, I've struggled with it. I have about as much talent as a hedgehog, so any basic advice? Any good tutorials you could link me up to on where to start? Any tips and advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
Ella at Once Upon a Bookish Time
Thanks for your question Ella. I'm not sure about hedgehogs, but you're doing yourself a disservice. You're brilliant. But to answer your question, there are quite a few dedicated and also book blogger websites that offer tips on how to get the most of out blogging, depending on which platform you're using. If you have a Blogspot, or using the Google Blogger platform, the ultimate site for everything from design, to widgets and advice is Spice Up Your Blog. This site was invaluable for me when I first began blogging. If you're looking for free templates for Blogger, you can't go past B Templates. They have hundreds on offer and are as easy as downloading, unzipping the file and uploading it to your blog. But my favourite is XOMISSE. I simply adore her tutorials, tips and tricks. There's nothing she doesn't know, and if you're having trouble with one of her tutorials, you can find her in the comments section dedicating her time to help others.
For those with Wordpress, CSS Tricks is perfect for grabbing snippets of coding. But no doubt the queen of Wordpress tutorials is Nose Graze. Not only does she design and code, but she also offers free tips and hints at how to develop your blog into an identity. But when it comes to overall design, plugins, hacks and more, Hongkiat is brilliant.
You don't need a beautiful blog, but one that's clean and functional. One of the biggest issues I see on blogs is the font used for the main content. Choose a clear and crisp font like Georgia. It looks great on every website and is easy to read. And no busy backgrounds or patterns behind your content. If readers cannot see your content, then they are likely not to visit again.
How much time on average do you spend scheduling posts, writing reviews...
I don't have a set time frame in which I write reviews. Most reviews only take me half an hour from the time I open my browser, until the time I hit the button to schedule or post. I tend to review most books before beginning a new read, as it takes less time to write if the content is still fresh in your mind. The biggest time consumer for me is commenting. Both replying to comments here on my blog, and visiting other blogs to check out their reviews. I'll let you in on how I usually comment.
For example, if you scroll down my main page, you'll see my last review was Corruption by Jessica Shirvington. Currently all the comments on that review have gone unanswered. As soon as this edition of Dear Diva is posted, I'll then reply to and return all the comments that were left on Corruption. It links my returned comments back to my newest content. I find that method works best for me, and allows me to take my time enjoying other blogs and their reviews, without feeling the pressure of constantly commenting.
On average, I'd spend only an hour per day contributing to my blog. More often than not, that can turn into two or three hours when I've got multiple tabs open for Twitter, Goodreads or just pissing about looking at dogs dressed as Lady Gaga on Google Images. Surprisingly, they do exist. If you're short on time, and let's face it, who isn't, only keep a tab open to the Goodreads book page and your blog. Steer clear of social media.
Thanks to everyone who's submitted your questions this week and supporting my first edition of Dear Diva. Remember you can submit your questions by filling out the form here. It's completely anonymous, even I can't see who you are. Next Sunday: Blogging, The Lazy Way.
Thanks to everyone who's submitted your questions this week and supporting my first edition of Dear Diva. Remember you can submit your questions by filling out the form here. It's completely anonymous, even I can't see who you are. Next Sunday: Blogging, The Lazy Way.
I really Enjoyed reading this! Thanks for chosing my question, you are a big inspiration to me and it's amazing the amount you comment and the effort you put into your blog! I hope one day I can be as great as you :3
ReplyDeleteAww thanks Becks. I'm happy I could be somewhat of a help. I think blogging is as individual as our blogs are, what works for me also may not work for the next person and so forth. I'm still learning after almost two years.
DeleteI LOVE THIS, KELLY! <3 Definitely a fantastic Sunday morning read! (Technically I was naughty and haven't exactly fixed my sleeping pattern so I was there when this went up but I thought I'd read it when I was a little more sane in the morning :P) I LOVE all your tips for blogspot. I'm horrendous when I see all those html code things and I can't, for the life of me, wrap my head around it. If I see a pattern, I'll just repeat it until the end of my days hahaha But now I've got all these handy websites. THANK YOU! And I love your commenting method--it really does work best, doesn't it? Keep these going, Kelly! I can't wait for the second edition because you are just an amazing writer--the perfect balance of seriousness and humour :D <33
ReplyDeleteNow that you've finished your exams, you can party all night and sleep all day.
DeleteThanks Jess. I think most bloggers feel that Blogspot isn't as superior as the Wordpress platform, but if you can find the right widgets and template, it's so much simpler to navigate and best of all, you don't need to pay a yearly subscription to be able to modify your template either. And if you have any particular questions you want answered, just send through the form.
Awesome answers! These would have been great when I had first started blogging :) I had NO idea what I was doing (although let's be honest, I still don't know what I'm doing half the time).
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see the next lot of Dear Divas :)
You and me both poppet. You never stop learning. I found a lot of sites when I first started with old and outdated information, but the sites listed above are all really good and update content regularly to keep up to date with both the Blogger and Wordpress platforms.
DeleteI LOVE THIS KELLLLLLLY! I swear though I thought there would be silly questions, because that would've been fine too, but thats ok hahaha. But I definitely agree with your advice on getting more readers! I've never hosted a giveaway in my life (which is what I thought would get me followers a year ago), but after visiting blogs and interacting with AWESOME BLOGGERS, like you Kelly, my blogging experience become 10000000x better.
ReplyDeleteSo yeah. I can't wait to see more Dear Divas!!
I thought most of them would be been silly too, but I actually didn't receive any silly ones at all. Just genuine questions. Completely agree, it's the community that really makes blogging worthwhile.
DeleteI love this idea!! You've given some amazing answers! I agree that Ashely at Nose Graze is the QUEEN of Wordpress for (book?) bloggers. I love her websites (actually, she did mine!).
ReplyDeleteI found the time you spend on the blog interesting - although it takes me about the same time to write the reviews, I think I just fluff around too much!! The time I spend every day on website-things seems really uneconomical: I do something, then get distracted by twitter, then do something else, then get distracted by reading, etc.
ANYways ... I'm really looking forward to more "Dear Diva" posts :D Awesome stuff.
Thanks Shaheen. I like to help bloggers out privately with anything they might be having trouble with, so though it might be easier to set up a feature where they can ask, and it might answer the question for other bloggers, or those thinking about blogging as well.
DeleteI'm the same. If I'm not distracted, it'll only take me an hour. Mainly just replying to comments and updating a book status. It's Twitter and answering emails that usually takes up most of my online time. It's only been the last few weeks where I'm starting to work out a more time efficient system. Then life calls, I fall behind and all that flies out the window.
This is the perfect segment! Especially cause it covers such relevant topics and your answers are so helpful :)
ReplyDeleteGoing to keep a close eye out for future questions. Thanks so much!!
Thanks Tracey. And remember if you have any specific questions, about anything really, send them through. Next week will be blogging with shortcuts and trying to manage blogging time more effectively. Hopefully I can learn a few things too.
DeleteOooh this is pretty awesome! I'm sure many will get plenty of help out of this meme. :D
ReplyDeleteFingers crossed. I'm actually learning along the way too.
DeleteOh Kelly! This is so awesome! (And something only you would think of...LOL!) But definitely some awesome questions here, and your answers are pheonominal! :D Especially the whole commenting thing. Joining Alise's Bloggers Commenting Back was probably one of the best decisions I ever made, and I think it really helps you connect with other bloggers and put yourself out there, you know? I can't wait to see more of this in the future! :D
ReplyDeleteThanks Zoe. I was actually on Google Hangouts when Dre and I were talking about advice and dishing it out and I wondered if anyone would be game enough to ask me for advice. Turns out, they are. I hope I can be somewhat of a help to anyone who sends through their questions, I had a blast putting these ones together.
DeleteWELL LOOK. YOU MENTIONED ME IN YOUR FAMOUS FAMOUS ADVICE POSTS. *blushes* But I 100% agree, the best way to get comments is to comment EVERYWHERE. *nods* It's exhausting though. And little fingers get very tired, but that's why I've learnt to type so fast. I'm a little typing ninja. AW DARN. I totally should've renamed my blog "Cait The Ninja". That would've rocked, also.
You're the comment queen. Or ninja commenter. Yeah, pretty sure that isn't even a proper sentence. Whenever I visit blogs to comment, even on posts that have only just been posted. There you are. It's the minions. Don't deny it. I'm convinced you have a small army of little people who type for you, while you lay around sipping pina coladas and reading.
DeleteYour secret is safe with me.
What a fun post! I like things like this, because it gives good advice for a lot people. I need to review my books quicker, but I tend to get so busy in between, it's difficult and I end up just starting a new book.
Me too Lauren, especially when you've gone to bed and only have a few pages left and want to start a new read. Every so often I let my reviews build up, but make sure that I've used sticky notes to mark points in each book at the important twists, so it's a little easier when it comes to reviewing.
DeleteI can't wait for the next installment. I am lazy and a blogger at the same time. Perfect!
ReplyDeleteGreat advice, twitter has been my bestfriend since Day 1. And commenting is a great way to connect with awesome bloggers everywhere. I believe that's where we started? Haha, sounds weird noh?
It totally was Ana, and I've enjoyed visiting your blog ever since. It's an awesome source for new reads for me. Twitter is brilliant, a spot we can all gather and talk books and swoon, cry, laugh and recommend books to one another as well in real time. I don't know how I ever did without it.
DeleteSince discovering Bloggers Commenting Back, my blog has exploded in comments and it was literally the best thing I did for my blog. Some really great advice here lovely!
ReplyDeleteMe too Jeann, not in numbers but in discovering new blogs to stalk and have a new audience of bloggers visit me as well. It's a brilliant idea and I refer back to the list quite regular to visit new blogs.
DeleteYou are so wise Kelly:) I am with the speed of writing your review. It takes me a good two hours to write a review, but that's probably because I have my email and social media open. I am going to take up your suggestion and only have my blog and Goodreads open when writing a review. Thanks for sharing these insights.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't aware of Bloggers commenting back, I'll have to check that out
It's been awesome to see all the different review methods we all use and how much time we dedicate to blogging as well. I used to spend a few hours writing up a review. I'd be distracted with emails, Twitter. Now I just keep two tabs open until I finish, I find that I'm much more productive that way, then have plenty of time for bookish socialising too.
DeleteFound this so useful Kelly! Thanks so much for all the advice and useful links! Dogs dressed as Lady Gaga are also probably some of the best things on the internet.