As much as I love a great read as much as the next book lover, occasionally I enjoy other wholesome pastimes as well. I love a well produced television or web series. Not only have some originally spawned from books, but are incredible in their own right. So don't fancy picking up a book this weekend? How about checking out a new watchable series to immerse yourself in.
The Walking Dead
I had only discovered the brilliance that is The Walking Dead recently, while the rest of the world was watching season four of the hit series. For those who have never seen an episode, it follows the character of Rick Grimes, former sheriff who had woken from a coma only to find that Zombies, otherwise known as Walkers, have taken over the population. Hhe may just be the last survivor, and the desperate search for his wife and son begins. Along the way, he meets others who too are fighting for survival. Once you move past the blood and gore, the series really is brilliant. It features complex characters, bonds, developing friendships and the last chance at surviving the flesh eating Walkers before they wipe out humanity. Too gruesome? Check out the graphic novels or the spin off series on Goodreads instead.
Under The Dome
The quiet country town of Chester's Mill had been going about their day, when the strange force field seemed to appear out of nowhere. The Dome has trapped the inhabitants in, no one leaves and no one can enter. One of the main characters is Dale Barbara, otherwise known as Barbie. He was in town on 'business' at the time, and now finds himself trapped. With nowhere to hide, the inquisitive small town start to question why Barbie was in town, while others try as they might to escape the confines. It isn't long before the characters start to unravel and in a small town, everyone seems to know your secrets. Now in it's second season, the series is much more engaging than the thousand plus paged Stephen King novel. I attempted to read through this one in between season one episodes, but soon released that the book and series don't actually match up. Grab the first series and watch series two with the rest of the world. This one will keep you guessing from episode to episode.
The Lizzie Bennet Diaries
I'm only twenty webisodes in, and already I've fallen in love with The Lizzie Bennet Diaries. It's a modern day adaptation of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, but told in video diary entry form. Lizzie takes us through the trials and tribulations of her family, including her sisters and her mother who desperately wants her daughters to marry wealthy men, as told through random parodies throughout each episode. But when the wealthy, soon to be doctor Bing moves into the neighbourhood and begins dating the polite and all too perfect older sister Jane, but of course he comes along with the pompous overbearing William Darcy. It's incredibly entertaining. Just released is the The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet, what we didn't see in the webisodes. Looking forward to grabbing a copy after watching the YouTube collection.
Game of Thrones

The George R. R. Martin series is more popular than ever. Heading into the fifth series, I can admit that I've only watched episode one of series one, but are desperate to read the books first. With a long reading list, it may be a while before I purchase a set, but no one can doubt how well loved the series is. I have a feeling it might be partially due to the dreamy Kit Harington, who plays the character of Jon Snow. One point that most fans seem to agree on, is that the book series is incredibly long, but those who disliked delving into the world of Westeros are few and far between.
Delirium is another much loved young adult series, but the popular Lauren Oliver. Following the dystopian world in which love is seen as an illness, and in three months Lena will be cured. Of course in the meantime she meets Alex, who is seen as a revolutionary against the oppressive world they live in. Originally the pilot was picked up by the Fox network, but they had decided to pass on the series. Available only to watch until July 14th, you can now watch the pilot which covers the first book in the series. Fox decided to release the finished project through WIGS, rather than having it sit around in their archives. Check it out while you can, the jury is still out on this one.
What book would you like to see being made into a series or webisodes?
Love your choices! I haven't watched The Walking Dead or Under the Dome, but they both sound really good. I think you will love Game of Thrones, it's as addicting as everyone says it is. The wait for season 5 is killing me right now, but I'm passing the time with two other series: The 100 (earth destroyed by a nuke, space stations surive, 100 juveniles get sent down to earth a few 100 yrs later, story about the 100 kids trying to survive on earth), which is getting really addicting, and Suits (witty, funny and strangely addictive series about a law firm). You should try Sherlock. IT'S AMAZING. I can't even describe how good it is. The episodes are movie length, but definitely worth it, and leave you craving for more.
ReplyDeleteI've heard The 100 is brilliant, I haven't watched an episode yet though. Have you read the Game of Thrones book series? I really want to read the books first, or at least book one.
DeleteOhh, you've got to see The Walking Dead, it's phenomenal. You've still got time to catch up before season five starts. I'll be quizzing you on them soon.
I didn't even know of the existence of TV series until this year. oh well, I KNEW about them but had never touched them. Buuuut now? I'M HOOKED. I'm so far gone to Supernatural, I'm practically ready to salt and burn every spider that walks into my house in case it's not really a spider but like a ghost or demon or shapeshifter. Anything weird? Salt and burn it. *sobs wildly* I LOVE THAT SHOW SO MUCH. But I've almost caught up and will have to wait with the rest of the Supernatural fandom (which is stark raving mad by now). I want to try Game of Thrones. I need to get my bravery on though. Also: Walking Dead because HECK YEAH ZOMBIES.
ReplyDeleteI tried to watch Supernatural when it first begun, and apart from one of the brothers being ridiculously good looking, I just couldn't get into it. I think I probably had enough of the paranormal in my teen years with Buffy and Charmed. Looking forward to posting all the old school series next week.
DeleteTWD! I can't wait for next season! I want to know what happens NOW.
ReplyDeleteI've seen Under The Dome (the book), and I also saw a preview of the TV series. I'd like to see it, too. But you know what I am hooked on right now...ASIAN dramas!
Delirium was BORING. I stopped at 15 minutes!
Season four was insane! I still think of Lizzie and the flowers scene. Do you know when season five starts?
DeleteFor a whole book packed into one pilot, it was super boring. I think when it comes to dystopians, there's been so many incredible books brought out since Delirium and it now seems pretty boring in comparison.
I'm so glad you love the LBD too! Isn't it the most amazing thing ever?? I can't wait for you to meet Darcy (episode 60 eek), he's just so...DARCY. I want one of those! LOL.
ReplyDeleteAnd I've seen most episodes of Under the Dome and really like it! You just reminded me that I should catch up with the series, I think it's on Netflix too. It's really weird but I've not seen Game of Thrones O.O although everyone is telling me to watch it!
I was wondering when we got yo meet the elusive Darcy.
DeleteApart from at my house, I don't know of anyone else who actually watches it, Under The Dome is incredible!
Oh, and Delirium was disappointingly boring for me :(
ReplyDeleteI absolutely LOVE the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, which I discovered through the Vlogbrothers. I had to reread the original after that. I don't watch that much TV but if any of my favourite books became a TV series, I definitely would watch them :)
ReplyDeleteI only heard about it recently when a group of blogging friends were discussing it. Being the nosey parker that I am, I had to ask what they were talking about, and started watching it last week. I'm now up to episode 27, but absolutely love it!
DeleteYesss I am so glad you have discovered the greatness that is the Walking Dead! I am a massive fan, having read the graphic novels series, played the games and watched the movies. The comics are actually a lot more gruesome than the show lol.
ReplyDeleteI love game of thrones and the lbd! Glad you're watching those too.
I'm absolutely itching for season five, we'll be able to fangirl over every episode together now. I would have thought the print versions probably would have been as confronting, I'm going to have to check them out.