Guylight... That didn't go so well

Contains spoilers for the new Twilight Reimagined.

Life and Death Twilight Reimagined
Written by Stephenie Meyer
Paranormal, Vampires, Romance
Published October 6th 2015
442 Pages
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Celebrate the tenth anniversary of Twilight! This special double feature book includes the classic novel, Twilight, and a bold and surprising reimagining, Life and Death, by Stephenie Meyer.

This edition features nearly 400 pages of new content as well as exquisite new back cover art. Readers will relish experiencing the deeply romantic and extraordinarily suspenseful love story of Bella and Edward through fresh eyes.

Twilight has enraptured millions of readers since its first publication in 2005 and has become a modern classic, redefining genres within young adult literature and inspiring a phenomenon that has had readers yearning for more.


So Kynn, we've both been subjected to Stephenie Meyer yet again with her new release of Life and Death, the reimagining of Twilight. Twilight was actually the book that brought me back to reading and also discovering young adult. I really enjoyed it at the time. Do remember reading Twilight and what did you expect from the new version being dubbed Guylight?


Yes, I do actually remember reading them, Kelly. It was in the 6th grade, my mom bought the first of the series - Twilight, that is. She let it sit and eventually I picked it up. I was instantly drawn into the story. I won't lie, I was completely enamoured by the book. I was a Team Edward girl myself. When I finished Twilight, I begged my mom to buy the remainder of the series, which she did. But those days are long behind me, and having discovered other YA, I lost my interest in Stephanie Meyer and the Twilight world. When you'd first told me about Guylight I was simply baffled. I thought the idea was ridiculous, and I expected just as much but I couldn't help my curiosity so of course I had to read it. Did you have high hopes for Guylight, having been a fan yourself Kelly?


I didn't hold out much hope to be honest. It's not that I thought the original was terrible, but I couldn't see any good coming from reimagining the storyline. It wasn't just the gender bending names such as Edythe and Jessamine, but the new male version of Bella might as well have had a vagina. His mannerisms and actions weren't changed from the original and it he was just too effeminate to be taken seriously. Bella was created to be the damsel in distress but Beau was in a league of his own.

He whined, complained and made Bella look likable even. His relationship with Edythe was bordering on obsession, especially with how she looked to be a picture of perfection when his description of her was a girl of skin and bones really. Even with Edythe supposedly in this position of power, she wasn't all that different from her role as Edward. The I want you, I'm bad for you, you can't have me really grated on my nerves. And where the fuck was Jacob and his shirtlessness?


The names were such shit. I hated them, every single one. Beau was in essence a carbon copy of Bella, I don't know what Meyer's was trying to achieve but lets be honest.. it just didn't work. I prefered Bella a hundred times over than whatever the hell that little weasel Beau was. I honestly can't recall where she-Jacob was in all this mess. I figure he was considered useless now that he can't imprint on Bella and Edwards child. I think the names was Jules.


I must admit, I skimmed a lot. A whole bloody lot. I know it's the tenth anniversary of her unleashing Twilight on the world, but I don't see the point either. If she really wanted to dazzle readers, where the bloody hell is Midnight Sun? It was little more than a money making exercise sadly. I was hoping that the storyline was going to be more empowering when reversing the roles, but apart from swapping around the character sexes, it was basically the same book.

I completely agree, I much preferred Bella as a character as well. Beau was a complete tosser. I think what drove many women to the series originally was the sexual tension between Bella and Edward, but this time around it felt even more creepy. I couldn't see the attraction between the two at all. I missed Alice and Jasper. I know they were thrown in there, but there was no sense of who they originally were either. The only change was the ending, so if you don't want to be spoiled, please stop reading here.


I thought the exact same thing, Kelly. I was a bit upset she wasted her time replacing the she's with he's when she could have finished Midnight Sun. Honestly, other than the end - it is essentially verbatim. No empowerment here. All we got is a creepy infatuation and some of the worst name swaps imaginable. I missed Alice and Jasper too, couldn't tell you who they were in the mess Guylight was. The ending was unbelievably off kilter. Bloody hell, I was wondering if it was a joke. Beau becomes a vampire... and watches his own damn funeral with the emotions of a hacky sack. How did you feel about this change of events?


I wished they'd just let him die. I would have cheered that alternative ending on. What originally took four books is now smushed into a few chapters? it was all a bit too TA DA, you're a vampire now. Go forth you sparkly bastard. It was so incredibly rushed and poorly written, even for Twilight. It was ridiculous and I'm pissed that I wasted my time reading it to be honest. What would you say to anyone wanting to read it?


It felt so damn rushed it was ridiculous! An unbelievable ending - even for Twilight. It just fell through. I too wish Beau would have died instead. It would have been far more intriguing. But instead we got the insta-happy, rainbow ending. Yuck. What would I say? Don't waste your bloody time. But if you really wanna read it, skip to the bit where Bella/Beau goes to the ballet studio - it's the only actual change in the book. Oh, AND DON'T WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS MONEY ON THIS. Go to a library or stand in the bookstore and just read the ending. Kelly, would you say that after this stunt you'll be closing the Twilight door for good? Or would you still pick up new releases by Meyers?


Nope, never again. I'm actually surprised I bought and tried reading it at all after the disaster that was The Host. I'd be even more surprised if she finished that series off as well. I know so many readers adore her, but for fucks sake lady, get your shit together and get over it. She stated more than two years ago that she was working on that sequel and gave the fans this Twilight reimagining instead. She's brave, I'll give her that but the woman just can't let shit go. She reminds me a lot of John Green who'll possibly bring out something new once his profits start drying up. I suspect it'll be the same deal with Stephenie Meyer.

So over to you guys. Have you read the new Twilight Reimagined? What would you have changed if you had the opportunity to rewrite Twilight?


  1. Awww man! I am so disappointed! I did not like the Twilight books (though I did like the short novella featuring that one girl - was her name brianna? I can't remember) I thought this one would maybe be good. Holy crap it sounds awful. O.O

    1. I was also disappointed, Sarah. But to be honest, I didn't expect much in the first place. I just didn't think it would be as bad as it actually was. To each their own I suppose - but from my point of view this "reimagination" was absolutely awful. I can't say I've read the novella - don't really plan on it truthfully, especially not after this. But I'm glad there was a good little chunk of the Twilight world for you c:

  2. I like this dual perspective/review. I used to love Twilight when it was first getting bigger- the books are largely enjoyable, quick reads. As time has gone on, there is a lot I look back on and don't really like the books but you know, it's a part of your life. No hate. I'm not really interested in this one though. The idea had me intrigued at first- though definitely not enough to buy a copy - but yeah, hearing how it's basically the same book but creepier in terms of the romance? no thanks.

    1. I used to love Twilight as well, but I think that's the case with a lot of readers. After being exposed to far greater YA series, Twilight is just... meh. But to be fair, it did wedge open the door for YA and movie adaptations. So I respect it in that sense. Definitely don't buy a copy, if you're ever really curious just rent it from a library or I'm sure it's online somewhere.

  3. /sigh .. yeah.. I never been a fan of twilight. I began with Dracula and Anne Rice and honestly, her books felt like a slap to the Vampire authors. I mean, really vampires that sparkle? /rent over.
    That being said, in a none bias way.. I do not understand the need to rewriting the book, seems kinda ummm desperate? running out of ideas?

    1. I've never read Dracula or Anne Rice. The closest to real vampires I've ever read about before Twilight was The Vampire Diaries (which imo is far better than Twilight). The sparkling bit still makes me laugh a bit.

      Hah! Exactly what I thought, Lily. I feel like Meyers was trying to revive the long dead fandom or milk the money before it dried up. Very desperate if you ask me.

  4. Sadly, I already bought this monster. In my defence, I only bought it because I want to complete the series. I've skimmed through the book. I knew I wasn't going to like because A: I'm weirded out by the names, and B: it's just plain weird. So yeah, no plans of ever reading my copy, to be honest.

    1. Blah, sorry to hear you bought it Joy. But that's okay because it completed your collection anyway. Lmao! The names were downright dreadful, weren't they? I don't even know how someone thinks to themselves that they're good names. You're not missing out by not reading it. I assure you.

  5. Sorry this sucked ladies, but this review was super entertaining! :D
    I was annoyed when she announced this book because it only seemed like a response to her haters instead of something for the fans which it should have been if she was even planning to write a book. Anyways, the concept in itself is so dumb according to me. And dear lord, the names! I saw them in a Buzzfeed article, and they annoyed me. And I heard about the ending! No thanks!

    1. Thanks Nick! Glad you enjoyed the review ^^

      No thanks indeed! I wish I hadn't wasted my time; but alas, at least I got a good chuckle about the stupidity of the whole thing. The names still shock me.. she couldn't think of anything better?

  6. I haven't read this (I've read Twilight though), and to be honest, you'd have to pay me to read it. Every single review I've read has been a negative one - I wasn't a massive fan of Twilight, so this doesn't seem to be any better. The ending sounds so stupid, and I think the names would irritate me no end. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, but this review sure did entertain me!

    ~Denise @ The Bibliolater

    1. Don't read it, Denise. Maybe I'm being a little harsh.. actually no, not really. Read something worth your time and money. Guylight is not, and never will be worth your time nor money. There's a reason good reviews are hard to come by when it comes to this one. Thank you! Glad you liked the review c:

  7. My review had to be spoiler free but I agree. The ending was ridiculous. Great review.

    1. The ending was terrible. TERRIBLE. Thanks, Nicole ^^

  8. Gosh! Sorry this one sucked so much for you guys! I was SO SURPRISED when I learned that Meyers was coming out with a new book. I fan-girled for days. (Yes, I'm one of those that are enraptured by the Twilight world still to this day) (TEAM JACOB BTW) teehee! But anyway, I seriously doubt it if I'm going to read this book many because of the names and the whole fact altho the male seems so....obession-filled land annoyinnngg!

    1. Back in the day, I too was a Twilight fan. But that soon faded when I read a ton of other better books and series. But Twilight will always hold a special place in the YA world. The name and Beau were dreadful u_u just not for me. I was team Edward! :D

  9. Great review! I loved hearing both of your thoughts on it. I was initially kind of interested in Life and Death, purely because I wanted to see what kind of disaster it would be. But I refused to spend $30+ on a book that I've already read half of (judging from this review, it sounds like it's a book that I would've read 95% of). As beautiful as the book itself looks, I'm not going to spend my money on something that was intended to rake in money.

    - Jenna @ Happy Indulgence

    1. Thanks, Jenna! Much appreciated ^^ I'm glad to hear you didn't waste $30 on a book you've read more or less of (it's really like 97% the same). Save you money and buy something worthwhile!

  10. I could seriously kick Stephanie in her tush for this, because WHATT I'm so disappointed. You know that I absolutely LOVE Twilight, and I was so pumped, (and thankful you got this for me) that I just knew it was going to be great. You mean to tell me, all she did was switch the gender of Bella and Edward??? No new content, nothing? Girl, wait until I read this. JUST WAIT

    1. I know right?! So much dissapointment. I can't say I love Twilight, but I really enjoyed it back in middle school when it was hyped up! Seriously, all she did was switch the genders of Edward and Bella + a few secondary characters. No new content except the crap at the end. Can't wait to see your review, Martika! Should be amusing c;

  11. Hahaha I love you two together, that cracked me up :-) I know the ending was rushed and I know the writing was s***, but I'm a sucker for twilight :-| I know after expanding my reading horizons and reading heaps of more creative and more well written work, I should be able to see these flaws, but alas I'm still a twi-hard at heart. Ms Meyer got me into reading as a young adult and I can't hate this for that reason AND I still want to be Bella lol.

    1. Aw, thanks Sarah. It was fun to do a dual review c: ha! It's all good. I expect some people will appreciate the read. I just couldn't get over the rushed and ridiculous ending. I'm happy you still liked it though!

  12. Yeah, I'm SO confused by this book. I really hated Twilight at the time (mostly because of the animosity between the Harry Potter and Twilight fandoms, let's be honest) and I think this would just make me want to throw up, honestly.

    1. THROW UP ALL OVER. Ugh, it was blah. If you hated Twilight, I'll garentee you'd detest this. I wasn't into fandoms back then, but I can imagine lmao. No thank you.

  13. In all honesty I am not that surprised hahahha. I did enjoy Twilight when I read it, but I feel like publishing the same book and switching the genders just to prove a point is very repetitive.

    Awesome discussion guys! I definitely won't be reading this (not that I was going to) now, and you guys crack me up hahaha.

    1. It's incredibly repetitive. Can't say you're missing much, Val. It was beyond stupid. Sometime I feel like I'm being to harsh.. But it was completely useless to do a genderswap and just change the end.

      Thanks, Val. I'm happy you enjoyed I and Kelly's review ^^

  14. I had absolutely no desire to buy this. While I was not too offended by Twilight as a series, and actually thought the first movie was a bit of fun - there was absolutely no material for it to continue beyond two books. Let alone spawn a dozen of sequels and spin off. This book sounds like it will only appeal to the most ardent of Twilight fans, I guess I'll stay away XD

    1. Ha! Stay far, far away Aentee. Leave well enough alone. Remember the semi-good days of Twilight and let this book be forgotten xP but most importantly, don't buy this book. Rent it or something - just don't spend your money!

  15. Hahaha! Yeah, I'm so not even curious about this book. I read the originals series years ago, but it was one of those things that drove me nuts but couldn't stop. lol.

    1. You're not missing out, trust me Christy. I know what you mean with the original series though :p

  16. I think almost all of us YA bloggers have Twilight to thank for really instilling our love in the genre (although YA isn't technically a genre--but i can't think of what else to call it...category?) ANYWAYS.
    While i enjoyed Twilight when i was in sixth grade and originally read it, i'm long over that phase of my life and I cannot imagine picking up that series every again. nope. DONE. I remember first fearing about Guylight and being so uninterested in this reimagining. I guess the idea was interesting, gender swaping the two most famous characters in YA, but to be honest, i just didn't care all that much about twilight anymore to really give it a try.

  17. "Tada! You're a vampire now! Go forth, you sparkly bastard." Hahahahahaha love this review, Kelly! Freakin hilarious! I never liked the Twilight books at all, so I was apalled when I found out she was released a genderbend rewrite, like seriously? To be honest, I only liked the movie for the special effects, specifically the CGI wolves.

  18. Beau sounds like a really awful character. I hated Bella, and Edward, and I don't think I am holding out for this one either. It was interesting hearing how it all panned out - but thanks for taking one for the team guys! I enjoyed your discussion review.


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