Stupid, Stupid Girl... The Devil You Know

The Devil You Know
Written by Trish Doller
Contemporary, Thriller
Published July 1st 2015
256 Pages
Thank you to Bloomsbury Australia
Eighteen year old Arcadia wants adventure. Living in a tiny Florida town with her dad and four year old brother, Cadie spends most of her time working, going to school, and taking care of her family. So when she meets two handsome cousins at a campfire party, she finally has a chance for fun. They invite her and friend to join them on a road trip, and it's just the risk she's been craving, the opportunity to escape.

But what starts out as a fun, sexy journey quickly becomes dangerous when she discovers that one of them is not at all who he claims to be. One of them has deadly intentions.

A road trip fling turns terrifying in this contemporary story that will keep readers on the edge of their seats.
Since her mother passed away, eighteen year old Cadie has stepped into the role her mother vacated, taking care of four year old brother Danny while dealing with her father's absence, preferring to be alone with his grief. Newly single and desperately craving adventure, it isn't long until Cadie meets Noah and Matt in town, out of state cousins camping their way through Florida when Cadie invites Matt to a bonfire party. Hitting it off and to avoid seeing her former boyfriend, in a snap decision, Cadie decides to join the boys, shirking her responsibilities an leaving her father to care for Danny alone.

Along with the quiet and kind Lindsey who has taken a liking to Matt, Cadie finds herself dangerously attracted to Noah, agreeing coming along on their wild adventure. Neither boy is what they seem. But what begun as a rebellion against her oppressive life, will turn into Cadie's fight for survival.


Ever find yourself internally yelling at a character? RUN YOU STUPID GIRL! Yeah, this book is it. Cadie is an oppressed eighteen year old who has found herself raising her brother since her mother passed away. Her father runs the local supermarket and involves himself in everything apart from the lives of his children, and it's left to Cadie to run their household, giving up the best of her teen years to do so. So when the opportunity arises to escape the small country town, she decides to take the risk and leave with cousins Matt and Noah. Cue internal cringing.

In her need to escape her former boyfriend and her life, she's lured by the wanderlust to leave even against her better judgement. She's desperate. With the promise of a wild adventure, she struggles between her attraction to both Matt and Noah, but seeing Matt taking an interest in once friend Lindsey, she settles for Noah. Noah admits he has a violent past, a brawl resulting in being shipped off to live with his cousin Matt and his family. His car a gift from his recently departed grandmother, both boys on the way back from her funeral and attempting to find adventure along the way. Where Matt is insistent the two girls join them, Noah is torn between reluctance and wanting to spend time with Cadie, who he seems to genuinely like.

Although Cadie seems to have no sense of self preservation or common sense, I couldn't tear myself away. It was incredibly engaging and I simply couldn't put it down. It reminded me of Becca Fitzpatrick's Black Ice, but wonderfully written despite the stupidity of the main character. It was a mild thriller, predictable but still enthralling nonetheless. My only really complaint is how the situation resolved itself. It was almost laughable, but didn't detract from how much I really enjoyed it.


I loved it, despite the issues I had with Cadie's idiotic behaviour. One aspect I absolutely adored was how it depicted sex as being a positive experience, not something teens should be ashamed of. I loved the adventure road trip, hearing the local urban myths. It was thrilling, captivating and a quick read that will have you flipping pages long into the night.


  1. I am beyond intrigued now. I've heard alot of mixed things about this title, but the road trip aspect is screaming for me to pick it up. I also like how one of them has bad intentions, so girl I'm reading this asap! I think I can get over the main character being pretty dumb, being that all the characters I've been reading about lately felt this description pretty well lol.

    1. I've read quite a few lately too, just idiotic characters making ridiculous decisions. Even though I wanted to strangle Cadie, I just couldn't put it down.

  2. Great review! This one does sound pretty good. I've seen some mixed things though, so I don't know if I'll ever give it a chance.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I can understand why, Cadie would probably grate on readers nerves a bit. But despite her stupidity, it's a fantastic read. One of those books that surprise and enthrall you. Give it a try, you might really enjoy it.

  3. Ugh. Characters making stupid decisions when they obviously know better is the bane of my existence. :| But it sounds that, besides that, this book was a pretty strong and thrilling read Kelly. Thank you for sharing and, as always, fabulous review! ♥

    1. Thanks Zoe. Even with her stupidity, it was still an awesome read. That had a lot to do with how well written it was. The storyline really flowed effortlessly. Definitely add this to your list Zoe, it'll really surprise you.

  4. I've been eyeing this book at Barnes & Noble for a while but wanted to see a really eye-changing review that would definitely persuade me to pick up this book! You've done just that and I can deal with the idiotic characters lmfao! I have a bunch of those just everywhere and you're review is so detailed. Thanks gurll and I'll be sure to pick this one up soon :D

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. I can't wait to see what you think of it Alex, it's such an incredible read that I couldn't put it down.

  5. Oh God. I don't know if I could enjoy this kind of drivel. She doesn't seem worth my time, anyway. Unfortunate, really. I adore this author, but perhaps this one one of those times when I really do have to take a pass. Sigh. Great review, Kelly. Glad you've enjoyed it despite the roller coaster ride you were on.

    1. It's wonderfully written though Joy, that's the big difference and made Cadie's idiocy far more tolerable too. I haven't read any of her other titles as yet, but definitely going to check them out.

  6. I haven't heard of this book but it sounds like one I'd definitely enjoy! Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's quite an incredible read. You'll want to throttle Cadie. For me being older, I felt incredibly sorry for her, especially not having a strong parental figure and how much was expected of her at such a young age. But her decisions left a lot to be desired. Looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

  7. This sounds like an interesting read - I don't know if I'd like it or not, because I'm sure I'd be yelling at the MC in my head a whole lot too. Thanks for your thoughts though.


    1. You will be Lauren, but it's so enthralling you won't be able to put it down! Definitely grab a copy and give it a go, I think you'll really enjoy it despite the idiotic main character.

  8. Ohhh, this sounds very interesting! I still haven't read Something Like Normal, but I will definitely add this too my to-read pile :) Great review as always, Kelly! x
    Michelle @ The Unfinished Bookshelf

    1. I haven't either Michelle, but have a copy and plan on reading it soon. Thanks poppet, really looking forward to seeing what you think of it.

  9. I know I've said this before BUT YOUR DESIGN IS JUST STUNNNING. Like I will never get over it Kelly! NEVER.

    I love the sound of the premise but I'm on chapter 3 AND I'M JUST PRAYING SHE WONT PUT HERSELF IN THIS SILLY POSITION. But alas, I know she'll just walk straight into danger. I can't standdddd that but I'll stick with it for the plot hahaha! Glad it was an enjoyable read overall though! Fabulous review, Kelly! x

    1. Aww, thanks poppet.

      I loved it Jess, despite how idiotic she is. It would have been far more plausible had she known them beforehand, or even shared a brief history with one of them. Regardless, I couldn't put it down. I can't wait to see what you think of it, especially that ending.

  10. Oh dear, your comparison to Black Ice has me so worried. I'm not a big fan of stupid characters, in fact I don't know anyone who is. As much as I love the thriller in this, I'll have to wait for more reviews before I pick this one up.

    1. Same type of scenario, but far superior in writing style though Jeann. The only downside for me was Cadie's lack of self preservation and common sense. But then again, if she made wise decisions, there wouldn't be much of a storyline. Definitely give it a go, you won't be able to put it down despite her stupidity.

  11. Well this sounds like it would be terrifying. Absolutely terrifying. I CAN'T DO IT KELLY!
    I read Something like Normal and really disliked it, so I don't suppose I'll plan on reading this- if the creepy element wasn't enough to turn me away and make me hide under my donna!
    Glad you enjoyed this, though. Cadie does sound like one of those ridiculous horror-style characters who just run into danger and don't see any of the signs whereas anyone looking on is shaking their head and yelling for them to stop being such an imbecile. Those characters annoy me a lot! x

    1. I haven't actually read that one Romi, but hopefully plan to soon. It's not creepy exactly, but more so Cadie's actions are frightening how a girl who's eighteen would make so many idiotic life choices. Brilliant description, she's EXACTLY one of those type characters. But it's writing draws you in and holds you captive. You might really enjoy it Romi.

  12. Wait wait wait...COUSINS?!! She's falling for her cousins. Hm. Yes, no. I don't think I could read this. I actually just finished Black Ice, so that comparison doesn't worry me, because I kiiind of still enjoyed it even though I thought the protagonist was a brainless guava. STILL. Cousins romance...ew.

    1. No no. The two boys are cousins, Cadie isn't their cousin. Just an idiotic girl who tags along on their adventure. That would have made for a super uncomfortable, not to mention disturbing read.

      Well, even more disturbing.

  13. Okay this book is intriguing. I'll definitely be on the lookout once this book hits our local stores. I haven't read Black Ice but I've read enough reviews for me to avoid it. And the stupid behaviour of the MC isn't really appalling but I'm really intrigued. Amazing review btw! <3

    1. Black Ice, the concept was good, but the execution not so much sadly. This one is an awesome read though Inah. Well worth the read.

  14. I can't stand stupid heroines.. but I kind of liked Black Ice - it wasn't as bad as it sounded with the reviews. The Devil You Know has been on my TBR for a while now, I hope it's a good thriller! Thank you for the wonderful review Kelly <3 Benish | Feminist Reflections

    1. I liked Black Ice too, for the most part. It really was a big improvement on her Hush Hush series. But this one is worlds better, wonderfully written and quite enthralling too. Really looking forward to seeing what you think of it poppet.

  15. Oh no, idiotic character you mean? I don't think I'm strong enough of that Kelly :( Although, the sound of the urband legend really appeals to me. Its been so long since I read a Thriller. I would still check this one out, but maybe not prioritize it :P Thanks for the wonderful review, Kelly! And for the heads up.

    1. Oh no, but you are Paula. She may be stupid, but this is so fantastically written that'll you'll love it despite her idiotic choices.

  16. Can I just say how beautiful your header is for the blog? I seriously can't stop looking at it!

    Anyways, I felt very similarly about this book, Kelly. I wanted to slap the main character and yell at her to go save herself, but the book was so hard to put down. I definitely agree that the writing had a lot to do with it. I just finished reading Ruthless by Carolyn Lee Adams last night and it was as addicting! I think you'd like it since you enjoyed this one. :)

    Great review!

    1. Aww, thanks Nick. I really appreciate your kind words.

      As horrid as her choices were, I was exactly the same and just couldn't put it down. Ooh, I haven't heard of that one before, but definitely going to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!

  17. Another road trip book! Whoo! Ah, stupid heroines. What are we going to do with these nincompoops? Oooh, the thriller aspect sounds gorgeous but I'm kind of in the mood for something darker. Awesome review Kelly! :D

    1. Nincompoops. I love that word and sadly, so rarely used these days. I think it needs to make a comeback. it's an incredibly read, really draws you in and you honestly won't be able to put it down. I can't wait to see what you think of it Mawa.

  18. I just finished this the other day and I definitely agree with what you said! Arcadia was *so* dumb and I totally saw the big twist coming but I still liked it a lot.

    1. It was so easy to read too wasn't it. From chapter one I was completely sucked in and read it almost in one sitting. It's just that kind of book. So glad you really enjoyed this one too Lacey.

  19. This is pretty much the consensus regarding this book: amazing plot, godawful and stupid main character. As someone who is easily turned off by such people, I wonder if I'll be able to survive this one without wanting to combust in rage! Haha. Hopefully the magic of the plot reels me in instead and makes everything else worth it!

    Faye at The Social Potato

    1. Of course you will Faye. Like me, you might even cheer on the sinister character to end her. END HER! But it's so superbly written that despite her being an idiot, you'll find yourself completely drawn in and really enjoyed it regardless. Give it a try, I'd love to see what you think of it.

  20. Cadie does sound like a bit of an idiot lol going on a road trip with strangers is such a good idea! Said no one, ever. But I am rather intrigued that you liked it so much :P I think I'll add this one to my maybe pile for when I'm in the mood for a silly main character ;)

    - Wattle @ Whimsical Nature

    1. She's a lot of an idiot. I normally wouldn't have enjoyed something with a main character so annoyingly idiotic, but that's a real testament to how incredible the author is. Despite Cadie's decisions, I really really enjoyed it


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