A Shimmer of Angels by Lisa M. Basso

Sixteen-year-old Rayna sees angels, and has the medication and weekly therapy sessions to prove it. Now, in remission, Rayna starts fresh at a new school, lands a new job, and desperately tries for normalcy. She ignores signs that she may be slipping into the world she has tried so hard to climb out of. But these days, it’s more than just hallucinations that keep Rayna up at night. Students are dying, and she may be the only one who can stop it. Can she keep her job, her sanity, and her friends from dying at the hands of angels she can't admit to seeing?

Reyna isn't crazy. Diagnosed and medicated, the sixteen year old has spent three years of her life inside a mental asylum. Since her mother's death, Ray has seen angels. They're not real of course, just a figment of her imagination, a coping mechanism to compensate for her loss, or so said her current psychologist. She's been angel free for months, no sign of the feathered celestial beings... Until she meets the new boy at school, Cam.

Cam is a higher being, he embodies serenity, peace and protection, but is in a state of panic that Ray can see his wings. Shortly after Cam's arrival, students at the small high school are committing suicide. Eerily, all the teens have a common theme before they died, seeing a black winged angel that seemingly, pushed them over the edge.

Kade, handsome, sinful and a fallen angel. His coffee addiction drives him into the cozy dinner on a regular basis, the diner where Ray works. He's as sexy as he is dangerous, but it's all a front. He can be considerate as well as conscientious, or perhaps Ray brings out the best in him.

But it seems something far darker and more sinister is luring teens to their death, targeting those around Ray. It isn't a coincidence, evil I'd coming for her and will let nothing stand in the way. Her family have disowned her, she's a social outcast amongst her peers, it'll be up to the two angels that landed her I'm this mess, to help save her life and the lives of those around her. But with emotions running high, will she fall for the fallen angel, or the angel that is hellbent on not falling.

A Shimmer Of Angels was fluffy and cute. Although dealing with issues such as perceived mental illness and teen suicide, it was still a light read. It had all the aspects that young adult readers have come to rely upon, the dreaded love triangle, the angst, the token nerd, stereotypical teens and bullying, but it was brilliantly entertaining, I couldn't put it down.

I have a strained relationship with Angel themed young adult novels, but A Shimmer Of Angels has certainly changed that, and I'll definitely be continuing on to the second book of the Angel Sight series. Becca Fitzpatrick, take note, this is how you produce a well written young adult angel series.

A Shimmer Of Angels
(Angel Sight: Book One)
Written By Lisa M. Basso
Published 29 / 01 / 2013
263 Pages

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher


  1. I enjoyed this book as well. The characters were very appealing. And, you're right. It was a nice, fluffy read. Great review!

  2. Thanks Sandy.
    I was pleasantly surprised, there have been very few angel inspired young adult books that I've enjoyed, but this was certainly one of them.
    Glad that you enjoyed it too.


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